the biggest thing to know about me is I Love Arthropods So Much. i really really like eusocial wasps, hornets and yellow jackets (specifically genus vespula) are my current favorites but i love all species of arthropod individually. Yes that includes the ones you hate. Buy a bug book from the store that just tells you fun facts about them and see how you feel after that Asshole. I live in a basement room with no barriers from bugs to enter and you want to know how many bits/stings i've gotten? NONE. there was FOUR yellow jacket wasps in my room and NONE of them stung me and i even tried picking them up and STLL NOTHING. i fed INVASIVE FIRE ANTS at my summer school and was NEVER STUNG despite sitting an INCH AWAY FROM THE SWARM. the media has brainwashed you WAKE UP SHEEPLE
other than that, i love collecting things. especially traffic/street stuff (traffic cones, road signs, etc), old branded products at antique stores (like random coca cola themed things or Simpsons Chess), and most importantly, 1998 furbies. i also take those instruction manuals from airplanes you find in the front pocket and tape them to my wall i've did that for like 2 years now so its not really that funny anymore i just take them without thinking too much about it
i'm an artist, i draw digitally and love character design & cool colors. i've been trying to expand my skillset from just that though, i've been learning more about 3d modelling and html stuff (as you can see on this website!)