Sprinkles McKenzie


A lot of people here don't seem to really understand what are acceptable and non-acceptable things to say to me when they want something. Which is okay!!!! Not knowing is not a crime!!!!!!!! But, for example, please do not do this!!!!!!!!!

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Ardit Jones


LMAOOOOO I just got one of those too

Sprinkles McKenzie


@luneweb meet up @ the lab to discuss as soon as you can :)

Ardit Jones


@SKenzie Thumbs up. cya there



@luneweb wait i wana knowcan u tel me what hapened l8tr

Sprinkles McKenzie


@mothdinosaur999 Sorry, but this is just between me, Jones, & Dr. Daniels.

Ardit Jones


@mothdinosaur999 Yeah sure lol



Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

"A lot of people here don't seem to really understand what are acceptable and non-acceptable things to say to me when they want something. Which is okay!!!! Not knowing is not a crime!!!!!!!! But, for example, please do not do this!!!!!!!!!" @SKenzie - luneweb